Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Classes started Monday, I'm taking Economic Geography, Intro to Journalism, Methods in Social Research and Social Statistics. You know which one I dread going to the most Monday, Wednesday and Friday? Intro to Journalism. Would you like to know why? On day one the teacher called us out on our political views. I am not an outgoing person, by any stretch of the imagination. I don't go around spewing my views, but I also won't sit back and let others bad mouth my side either. So, in answer to his question of who we supported, I was the only one to raise my hand. I felt out of place, sure, but also proud of myself for sticking up for what I believe. Then today, another dose of making a point to draw out those who oppose his views. Luckily there happened to be another lady in class today that shared my point of view, and she's a talker :) You know, I would understand the point to this type of teaching if the teacher wasn't so biased. If he drew out both sides to open a discussion for the students to choose their own beliefs, that's one thing. However, It's a completely other thing when the teacher puts his point out there and makes the student feel like they are totally wrong for their beliefs. He flat out said, "I'm anti..." and proceeded to name the things he hates. Isn't the point of teaching to teach all the angles and give the students the information to choose their own path, not to try and make them take the path already chosen by the teacher? Aahh, ok that's enough of a rant for today, and it's only the second day of that class. It may be a very long semester! Sorry if this doesn't make sense.


Michelle said...

Dang sounds like your class will be loads of fun.. Hang in there. Maybe he needs to girl that doesn't normally speak out to put him in his place! LOL.. You are right he is not allowed to push his views on anyone and he should not be doing that.

Andrea@Sgt and Mrs Hub said...

You made sense, it must be really frustrating. College isn't so much about educating young minds any more, but more so influencing those minds to hold the professors views. It's not right. Not what college was intended for.


The Teacup Cottage said...

I'm sorry that happened. I am a Army journalist and love what I do. Next time he tries that tell him that as a journalist shouldn't you be able to put your personal view aside and collect information for an unbiased look at the issues. I think that is the problem with mainstream media today- they put too much of their own views into the stories without geting both side. That's what commentaries are for!

Courtney said...

I agree! That is so wrong & girl you stand up for what you believe! I'm proud of you for that. Good luck with this class hun. It sounds pretty tough. Your in my prayers but you'll do fine. Just stay strong!