Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Today is the last day of February. I never thought I would be so glad to see months go by. Each month that goes by makes me even more excited than the last. We are down to 2 months until R&R! I've been visiting some websites dedicated to military wives, and they are pretty helpful in helping me deal with this whole thing. I think that it's wonderful that we live in a time that we are able to connect with people without being face to face. For wives who move away from the military base and towns when their spouses are gone, this is a great thing to have. I live in a town that is 2 hours from the nearest base, so there are not many families here that have gone through what we go through. Those that have are not involved in groups and FRG's and such, so it's not like we get together and have chats and relate to one another while our loved one's are gone. So, to be able to get online and see that we are not alone, to me, feels like a little of the burden has been lifted. I think that God guides us in life, and that if you ask him he will show you a way to find what you need. He definitely has done that for me. Not that it is, by any means, an easy task to live day to day without the one I love, but at least I don't have the feelings of being alone like I used to have all the time.