I had my first appt today. It was just us talking to an ob nurse. My first real appt is July 19. We told her we were moving next month, so she put us in before we have to leave. She said that she really wants us to get that done before we leave so that they can make sure everything is going good. So that's when I'll have the first ultrasound and what not. She said based on the dates I gave her and everything that I'm about 6 weeks already and that my due date will be around Feb 19. The did my lab work today, and took 5 vials and I had to do a urine test. Fun fun lol. It's still pretty unreal to me at this point, but I'm excited. My sister and her bf stayed the week with us last week, and she bought the baby it's baby book, first piggy bank and a cute little onesie already. She's already spoiling it and it's not even here lol.
We had our house inspection yesterday. I guess there were a few things wrong with it, but nothing major. So, we're requesting they fix a few things and then we'll get the rest. It's just a few things, so I'm excited about that. We also had it appraised and they said the asking value is very reasonable, so that's good too. Our closing date is Aug 1, so just over a month. My mom said she wants to paint the mural for the babies room, and I'm so happy about that. She's such an awesome artist.
Eric should be getting his orders in the next couple of days so he'll be able to start clearing soon. He has 24 hr duty tonight and on the 4th of July, which sucks, but what can ya do? Oh well, no big deal.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Posted by Michelle at 2:28 PM 7 comments
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Last week was pretty terrible, with my grandpa passing and everything. However, God blessed Eric and me in two huge ways, and I would like to share with you ladies :) We put an offer on a house down in OK Saturday, and found out yesterday that the sellers accepted out offer! YAY!!! So exciting, I love that house! Now, for the best news ever, I found out Sunday (Father's Day!) that Eric and I are going to have a baby! I took two tests and then that afternoon we told my family. They were so excited. I signed Dad's card Eric, Michelle & Baby, and while he was looking puzzled about that Eric laid a baby bib that says, "I love Grandpa" on him. They went nuts, they are so excited. My sister about busted our eardrums with her screaming. We went and told his mom yesterday, she's excited too. Then I went to the hospital today and they drew blood and about 30 mins ago called and told me it is for sure positive. My first appt is the 28th. I am SO EXCITED!!! The best news of all is that the last time I posted about our problems with getting pregnant I said that the dr gave us pills to help, well I took them for two months, but last month I told Eric I didn't want to take them anymore, I felt like the Lord was telling me to just put it totally in His hands and we would be blessed for it. So, I did, and the very next month, I'm pregnant!!! Thank you God! :)
Posted by Michelle at 12:33 PM 7 comments
Thursday, June 14, 2007
My grandma asked me last Friday morning if we would be able to come down to where my Grandpa was in the hospital and stay with her if she needed us to. I, of course, told her yes. Well she called later that day and said that she was going to stay so if we could come down it would be appreciated. So, when Eric got off work we went down to the hospital. When we got there my grandpa wasn't doing too well. He had to have surgery before we got there, because they had to put a tube in his chest to drain the fluid that was building on his heart. Well, we stayed and talked to him for a while, but when he was getting tired we decided to leave and let him rest. So, we went to a motel for the night. The next morning we got up early and went in to visit him. He was up, but his blood pressure was really low it kept falling to about 55/46. It went up a few times to normal, and towards the afternoon Grandma was tired and asked the nurse if he was stable enough for us to leave, he said yes. Well, we took her back to the motel and went and piddled around town for a while. When we got back, she was up and we sat and talked a while before heading to the hospital again. When we got there they had the curtain in his room pulled and a ton of people were in there working on him. A guy asked if we were the family, and then said that somebody would be out to talk to us soon. Grandma kept asking if something had happened, but he wouldn't answer. Well, a lady did come out and gave Grandma the phone, and the person on the phone told her that Grandpa's heart was trying to give out. So, they had us go to the waiting room so we couldn't hear everything that was going on. A few minutes later the dr came out and said they had one option left, to put in a pace maker and see if that would work. Grandma said to do it and try and give him every chance. Well, they had to put him on a respirator and when tried to put the pace maker in. They didn't even get the pace maker in before his heart gave up. It was so sad being there with Grandma when the dr told her that her husband of 32 years was gone. I'm glad, however, that we were there, because at least we were there with her to give her a little bit of comfort and so she wasn't alone in her time of need. I had the task to make the phone calls to tell everyone he was gone. Grandma asked me to call Grandpa's son. That was the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life. I don't know the guy and I had never talked to him, and it was so heartbreaking to have to tell him his dad wasn't with us anymore, but at least it took some weight off of Grandma's shoulders. We were with Grandma all week, they let Eric off for the week too. We had Grandpa's funeral yesterday, and it had military honors. Eric got to present the flag to Grandma, which was very special to both of them. I've lost both my grandpa's in a 9 month period. I have one left, my mom's dad, but he has never been in our life and so this Grandpa was my Grandpa. I loved him so much, and he will be missed.
Posted by Michelle at 6:43 PM 5 comments
Thursday, June 07, 2007
I got a new haircut the other day. It's quite a bit shorter than it was before, but I wanted a change and I'm so glad I did it. It's so much easier to handle and cooler. Yay! We went to church last Sunday. I'm always nervous trying a new church, but we went to one on post and it was really good. I'm really glad that we went, and we will definitely be going back.
My Grandpa is in the hospital for the second time in two weeks. They're not sure what's wrong with him, his blood pressure keeps dropping extremely low and his blood sugar keeps going high. He has cancer, and being in the hospital is keeping him from his treatments, so hopefully they will get him lined out so he can go back to getting chemo before his cancer spreads. So if you could please keep him in your prayers I would appreciate it.
Posted by Michelle at 9:16 AM 5 comments
Monday, June 04, 2007
Eric got accepted into the Green-to-Gold Active Duty program that he put his application in for. I am so very proud of him. That means that he gets to go to the ROTC program in Oklahoma and still be considered active duty Army, so we get to keep the same pay and all the benefits. It was definitely an answer to our prayers. Otherwise it would have been extremely tight for the time he's getting his bachelor's degree. There are only 100 slots for the entire Army so he definitely earned this and I couldn't be more proud of him!!!
Posted by Michelle at 11:00 AM 5 comments