Monday, June 04, 2007

Eric got accepted into the Green-to-Gold Active Duty program that he put his application in for. I am so very proud of him. That means that he gets to go to the ROTC program in Oklahoma and still be considered active duty Army, so we get to keep the same pay and all the benefits. It was definitely an answer to our prayers. Otherwise it would have been extremely tight for the time he's getting his bachelor's degree. There are only 100 slots for the entire Army so he definitely earned this and I couldn't be more proud of him!!!


Glo said...

Hey Michelle,
Sorry I missed your B-day. Hope you had a great one. Looks as though you did.
Tell Eric we're proud of him too.
Sorry I haven't been on much. with surgery and then all the storms we had.....It's been crazy around...One day the puter works and the next day it don't....So I just said the heck with it and wouldn't even get on. Then when I did I had close to 600 e-mails. After weeding them out I still had over 500...Well I finally got through them all. I'm to old for this.Hope you have a wonderful day.
Love&God bless,

kbug said...

Congratulations to Eric...he must have worked hard to get that. I hope all goes well for him.

Courtney said...

Way to go Eric! Tell him Congratulations!!!

Monica said...

Congrats to Eric! I am glad everything is fitting into place for you guys!

Michelle said...

Congrats to Eric!