Friday, December 14, 2007

I took my last final today, I'm done with school for a while. I am now a full time wife and soon-to-be mom again. I had a dr appt on the 11th. Everything went well, the dr said my weight gain is really good and all my tests came back really good. She said we have a wonderful baby and my next appt is my last 4 week one, then it will be every couple of weeks. We're getting close. My sister is planning the baby shower for the 5th of Jan, so that's only 3 weeks away! For Christmas I got Eric tickets to a hockey game on that day so he won't have to suffer through it. He came to the wedding shower, bless his heart, but didn't enjoy himself one bit lol. So I thought I'd spare him this time. I think he'll be very happy about that, hopefully :)


Courtney said...

Yes I think Eric will appreciate that very much LOL!
Can't believe how close it's getting. I bet you & Eric can hardly wait!!

Andrea@Sgt and Mrs Hub said...

The hockey tickets are brilliant, Michelle. He will definitely appreciate that thought! :)

Enjoy this time of preparation for your new baby boy. Enjoy that husband of yours and the holiday season.

I'm getting very excited for you guys!!


Glo said...

Hope your finals went well. And you be careful on the Ice. Ok
Feb 19th is coming very soon. Take care and enjoy getting ready for this little one.
Hockey tickets WOW! what a gift. Your amazing girl.