Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Does anybody have any ideas on how I can get Ryan to like tummy time? I've read some things and tried them all. I've tried putting something under him to prop him up, getting down and trying to distract him, putting a mirror in front of him, putting him on my legs and letting him "fly", ect... and nothing works. He just despises tummy time. I know he needs it to build his muscles but I hate hearing him scream because he hates being on his tummy. Anyways, I'd take any suggestions you have.

Yesterday was my dad's birthday. It was a sad day. He would have been 51 years old. I miss him terribly. I simply wish I could talk to him one more time, and yes I know I'd want it again and again and again, but it doesn't stop me from wanting it this time too.


vanessa said...

Tummy time sucks! Salvador hated it too. I have a lot of pictuers of him crying on his belly! I just laid him on his belly for five minutes at a time and then slowly add time but you could just lay on your back and put him on your chest and that counts as tummy time too. He'll still push up and work those little arms. Even Hubby can do that.
It brings a tear to my eye when I hear you miss your Dad. I'm so sorry for your pain. You should talk to him, I don't know what you believe in but when my Grandfather passed I would talk to him. Most of the time it was when it was just me and Ronnie when he was a baby(he died the same day he was born). I would sit and talk to Ronnie as if he were my Grandfather. It's weird kinda but it help me because Ronnie's birth was connected to my grandfathers death.
Sorry for the long post but I hope you have a good day.

Andrea@Sgt and Mrs Hub said...

All of my kids have loved being on their tummies so I have good advice. Do you wear him in a sling/wrap at all? It might help if you were to position him in one so his tummy is pressed up against you ( as if you were holding him against your chest with his face looking over your shoulder). He might get use to his tummy feeling a slight bit of pressure that way, and then maybe he wouldn't feel so strange when he lays on his tummy. I wouldn't worry too much though- he will lay and play on his stomach someday, for sure :) That's all I've got - sorry! :)

I wish I could give you a hug, Michelle. I am so sorry for the void your Dad left. He sounds like an amazing man. You were blessed, indeed.


vanessa said...

Just wanted to wish you a Happy Mothers Day! I hope your first one was special.

ABW said...

I would put mine on my chest, because they would love that. He will come around eventually.

The sling is a great idea, I loved mine.

I still miss my dad every day.

4funboys said...

how about skipping tummy time... and just do snuggle time???

Every flower blooms when they;re ready, and kids tend to grow up inspite of what we do... not always because of what we do.

When I look back... I read too much, tried too hard... and wish that I'd just enjoyed them in the moment more.

ps... my heart aches for the loss of your dad today... I can't even begin to imagine.

Hugs from CA!!