Thursday, January 10, 2008

My dad passed away this morning, please keep my family in your prayers.


Andrea@Sgt and Mrs Hub said...

Oh Michelle, my heart totally broke when I read this. I am deeply, deeply sorry. My prayers will be with you. I am so sorry. Words are not enough.


Monica said...

Michelle, I am so sorry. I will keep your family in my prayers.

ABW said...

My heart is broken for you and your family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Courtney said...

Oh Michelle, I can tell you how sorry I am. My prayers are with you sweetie. I wish there was something I could do. Please know I'm thinking of you & your family. I love you & you hang in there.

Charla said...

OMG Michelle I am so sorry!!! I've not been online this week and just saw your posts! I can't imagine losing a parent, I'm so sorry! You and your family are in my prayers!

Glo said...

So very sorry sweetie for your loss. You and your family are in our prayers. My hearts hurts for you. I wish there was something I could do for you.We're all thinking of you. Take care of your self.
Love and {{Hugs}}

kbug said...

Oh Michelle, I am so heart is aching. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.