Thursday, April 20, 2006

My mother-in-law is coming to visit this weekend, along with my sister-in-law. They are coming down to bring down Eric and my Easter things that she got for us. She doesn't know that he's coming in a couple weeks, so hopefully my family doesn't tell her while she's down. I'm glad that my mom will be around to help me keep her occupied. I have a hard time trying to think of things to say to her. She talks all the time, but I still worry about things to say. She can ramble for hours about anything, especially her work. Although I have a hard time understanding what she's talking about most of the time, so I just smile and nod. She's actually pretty enjoyable most of the time, but a lot of the time I can only handle so much of her at a time. I have reminded all of my family to keep their mouths shut about Eric coming home next month, but I'm afraid my dad will slip while he's trying to make conversation with her. He has a tendency to blurt things out in an attempt to fill the silence.

Eric called this morning. He told me that he's afraid that he won't recognize me when he walks off the plane. I think that it's normal to have nerves about seeing someone after not being around them for so long. I have some worries too. I'm worried that he won't be attracted to me anymore, or that it will be weird having him around again. I know that it's not going to be like that, but it's still weird to think about him coming home so soon. It was odd to have him here one second and gone the next, and soon he's coming back again. I can't wait until he's back here again, I miss him and love him more than anything and it is going to be so wonderful to be with him again. I can't wait until these next couple weeks pass by. I wish I could fall asleep and wake up in the morning with him by my side.

I have to take his truck into the shop next Thursday. The stupid check engine light came on AGAIN, and dad changed the spark plugs. Well, it stayed off for another 2 days and then came back on yesterday. So we called the dealer and they can't get it in until next Thursday. That will only leave a little over a week before Eric gets home for them to fix it. Well, if it takes that long to get it into the stupid shop, how long is it going to take for them to get it fixed?! I just want it to be off by the time that he gets home and it has me worried that he's going to have to be thinking about it the whole time he's here. Vehicles frustrate me so very much. Why do they have to be so stinking complicated?
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