Monday, March 20, 2006

We're getting closer, to Eric being home (even though it's temporary)!!! We started our new classes today. That's a wonderful thing. I'm finished with college algebra, thank God! I was tired of hurting my brain with that stuff. Eric is taking it this time. I'm learning that we're all a little psycho today. Apparently what we consider as normal is not normal. What is normal? Aren't we all a little abnormal? Who thinks of this crap? lol... I should probably get used to is, considering I'm planning on a degree in social work. It's not that I buy into all this crap, because I don't. It's just that I love helping people. I would love to be able to see that I'm making a difference in someone's life. All this junk is just what I have to put up with to get to that point in my life.

Eric called me at 12:30 last night. He had to go to the dentist, and wanted to tell me what he was told. Then he had to go back again today, to get his teeth cleaned. He's sweet, wanting to share with me his day to day life. I love that we share that kind of bond, and that it hasn't changed since he's been gone. I can't wait until he comes home for R&R.